Mission on Mission Headline Animator

Monday, June 9, 2008

This is my mission.

Family, Friends, Co-Workers, Bartenders, and strangers I’ll meet along the way,

Welcome to my blog, MissonOnMission.com. What is Mission on Mission? Plainly said Mission on Mission is me, Gadiel, walking down Mission Street and hitting up every bar on the street from Crescent Avenue to the Embarcadero.

Why am I doing this? Because it gives me an excuse to drink every Friday, why else would I do it? Seriously, that’s not the reason it is just a byproduct of my mission. I like bars, I like meeting new people, I enjoy new experiences and the starting point is close to my house!

Really, why am I doing this? I’ve lived in San Francisco for almost 3 years and have hit up many bars throughout the city. I find trying new bars fun and enjoy the experience. You meet some interesting people and it’s a great way to experience the neighborhood you’re in.

Why every bar on Mission Street? Mission Street traverses a major part of San Francisco. It starts in the Mission Neighborhood ending at the bay which at last count, by driving the route, had 32 bars. I’m sure by the time I’m done a few bars will be added to the list and a few will no longer be around. Think about the neighborhoods the street passes through, the Mission, SoMa, the Tenderloin and a bit of downtown. These are very distinct, different and interesting neighborhoods in their own rite.

What do I aim to accomplish? Who knows really? My goal is to visit each bar, take in the atmosphere, drink a few drinks with the “regulars” and experience San Francisco in a way most don’t get to or choose to. After living in San Francisco for 3 years I recognize that my own backyard is like a foreign country to me. I’ve barely scratched the surface. So take my writings for what they are, me reporting on my experiences at each place I visit. You may love this blog or you may hate it. But hey, at least it gives you something to do when you’re bored at work. We all have those days, right?

So let’s get to the “rules”, actually they’re less rules in as much as they’re guidelines that I will follow.

1- All the bars* I visit will be on Mission Street.

2- I will follow the bars in order, starting at Crescent Avenue until I reach the Embarcadero.

3- I will visit on Friday nights from 6-8pm

4- I show up alone

5- By every Monday morning I will post to this blog

* Bar: a counter or place where beverages, especially liquors, or light meals are served to customers. This definition is a bit subjective. There are those bars that are obvious drinking establishments while others are more restaurants in nature. These restaurant/bars will be included in my mission

That’s pretty much the scope of this blog so I hope you enjoy it.


Unknown said...

Is this your genius plan to write-off all of your alcohol expenditures? Nice work Costanza!

Bike Guy said...

you are a wise man, i'm inspired! now i need to get out and drink more beer on Fridays!

jasonM said...

i bet gadiel gets beaten up 3 times and raped at least twice before he completes this mission.

Unknown said...

Which bar is the one where they don't allow bartenders use their cell phones